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Today was one of those “post-holiday” days. After all the hype leading up to the Fourth of July holiday, as well as the semi-organized chaos that reigned, today was the “ah-hah” day, the R & R day. Following yesterday’s festivities, we had nothing planned for today. Nothing!

I did have a team webinar for Close To My Heart online, but that required neither a change of clothes nor a trip in the car. And while I was attending my training, my daughter was fixing what is known around here as a “big breakfast”. (That’s two this week!)

What better should follow a delicious brunch than hanging up clothes on the line outside (it wasn’t scorching hot yet), then settling down with Robert Heinlein’s “Friday” to read and catnap while watching the World Cup? I have seen ties broken by shoot-outs before in hockey, but the Netherlands vs. Costa Rica one today was my first in soccer. And the right team won!

To add to the pleasure of the day, I was invited to meet a couple of friends for an informal dinner that we managed to stretch across nearly three hours.

Tomorrow we will return to our usual Sunday routine. But for now, I’m heading back to the couch with my book for another hour or so of peace. Sweet dreams.