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Lately I have noticed a number of bloggers who have a tradition of choosing a single word to serve as a guide for each year. I first discovered this with Jennifer Wilson, The Simple Scrapper. She shared how last year’s word had accompanied her progress throughout the year, and how she came to choose her word for 2015.

This “One Little Word” idea has been rattling around in my head for several days now, and today while lazing around the house caring for a yucky cold, my word materialized. My One Little Word for 2015 has to be consistent. I have talked a bit before about some of the challenges of being an adult with ADD. One of those challenges is consistency. I am really good at starting projects or routines, but somewhere along the line (usually as the newness wears off) I go astray. So for 2015 I am going to search for whatever tools I need to help me be consistent.

For example, you may have noticed under “categories” that my blog posts for Trigger’s Horse always contain the phrase “NaBloPoMo for (insert the current month”. This refers to the National Blog Posting Month challenge to post every day for one month. I started this with November 2013, and have made myself accountable for my daily posts — very successfully. I am nearly through with my fifteenth month, with only a handful of missing days.

I attempted NaBloPoMo with PhotoFunWithFawn last August, and it was such a struggle. After posting intermittently and being disappointed in myself, I realized today that for me, consistency with PhotoFunWithFawn could effectively be posting once or twice per week. No point in building in failure, but I will still be able to keep up with my blog.

Consistency will be the key for my 2015 Reading Challenge, as well. I have challenged myself to read 50 books this year, and review the majority of them here and at Goodreads.com. I am half-way through two right now, depending on the reading mood I am in, so at first glance I look behind for the year, but I’m right on target. Consistent reading time each day will get me to my goal.

I’ll be checking back in occasionally with reports on the progress with my One Little Word. Would you like to join me?