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That Woman came to visit today, and did a pretty good job of rearranging and sorting through huge piles of “stuff” in my bedroom.  In the process, she discovered an unlikely set of papers clipped together in a pile of files.  The top document was the Final Judgment of Dissolution of my first marriage, dated April 10, 1978.   Next came the Final Judgment of Dissolution of my husband-who-lives-across-town’s first marriage, dated December 29, 1978.  I’m not quite sure why I have it, and he doesn’t, but I usually was the file queen.

The third pair of documents were the admissions and consent forms for my entry into Fresno Community Hospital at 2:00 a.m. on April 15, 1973, to have Joseph.  The doctors had assured us that babies very rarely send their parents to the hospital in the middle of the night, but ours certainly did.  He took his own sweet time arriving, too, not showing up until noon. But he was definitely worth the wait!

Ken with baby Joseph, our first day home.  April 16, 1973.

Ken with baby Joseph, our first day home. April 16, 1973.

The only rhyme or reason I can find for the juxtaposition of the documents is that they all impacted our lives in one way or another, and are deserving of being kept. They are now safely in the drawer with our wills and insurance policies